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I'uniẏana tathya ō sēbā kēndra

i'u'ā'i'ēsasi kī ō kēna?

I'uniẏana tathya ō sēbākēndra hacchē i'uniẏana pariṣadē sthāpita tathya-prayuktinirbhara ēkaṭi atyādhunika tathya ō jñānakēndra(ṭēlisēnṭāra) yāra uddēśya halō tr̥ṇamūla mānuṣēra dōragōṛāẏa tathyasēbā niścita karā. Ē kēndra thēkē grāmīṇa janapadēra mānuṣa khuba sahajē'i tādēra bāṛīra kāchē paricita paribēśē jībana ō jībikābhittika tathya ō praẏōjanīẏa sēbā pāẏa.

Gata 11 nabhēmbara 2010 mānanīẏa pradhānamantrī tāra kāryālaẏa thēkē ēbaṁ jātisaṅgha unnaẏana karmasūci (i'u'ēnaḍipi)’ra praśāsaka ō ni'ujilyānḍēra sābēka pradhānamantrī misa hēlēna klārka bhōlā jēlāra cara kukarimukari i'uniẏana thēkē bhiḍi'ō kanaphārēnsēra mādhyamē sārādēśēra sakala i'uniẏana tathya ō sēbākēndra (i'u'ā'i'ēsasi) ēkayōgē udbōdhana karēna. Ē sakala kēndra thēkē māsē prāẏa 40 lakṣa mānuṣa tathya ō sēbā grahaṇa karachē. I'u'ā'i'ēsasira mādhyamē sahajē, druta ō kama kharacē sarakāri ō bēsarakāri sēbā pābāra mādhyamē sthānīẏa janagaṇēra jībanamānēra byāpaka itibācaka paribartana āsatē śuru karēchē.

‘Janagaṇēra dōṛagōṛāẏa sēbā’ (Service at Doorsteps)-ē mlōgānakē sāmanē rēkhē i'u'ā'i'ēsasira yātrā śuru haẏa. I'u'ā'i'ēsasi pratiṣṭhāra phalē samāja ō rāṣṭra byabasthāra pratiṭi kṣētrē ēkaṭi abādha tathya prabāha sr̥ṣṭi karā sambhabaparahaẏēchē, yēkhānē mānuṣakē ārasēbāra jan'ya dbārē dbārē ghuratē hacchē nā, baraṁ sēbā'i paum̐chē yācchēmānuṣēradōragōṛāẏa. Abādha tathya prabāha janaganēra kṣamatāẏanēra an'yatama pūrbaśarta. Dēśēra 4,501ṭi i'uniẏana pariṣadē tathya ō sēbākēndra sthāpanēra phalē grāmīṇa janagaṇēra abādha tathya prabāhē anśagrahaṇasaha drutatama samaẏē tathya ō sēbā pā'ōẏāra patha sugama haẏēchē.


Ēlākāra sarbasādhāraṇēra jan'ya unnata tathyasēbā niścita karāra lakṣyē ēkaṭi i'u'ā'i'ēsasitē ēkādhika kampi'uṭāra ō sanśliṣṭa upakaraṇa raẏēchē, yā paryāẏakramē sthāpana karā haẏēchē ēbaṁ hacchē. I'u'ā'i'ēsasira praẏōjanīẏa upakaraṇa āsē udyōktāra biniẏōga ēbaṁ i'uniẏana pariṣadēra tahabila (rājasba khāta ō ēlaji'ēsapi prakalpa) thēkē. Nūn'yatama sṭyābilā'ijārasaha ēkaṭi kampi'uṭāra, ēkaṭi sādākālō prinṭāra, ēkaṭi kālāra prinṭāra, ana-lā'ina sanyōga sthāpanēra jan'ya ēkaṭi maḍēma, ēkaṭi skyānāra, ēkaṭi ḍijiṭāla kyāmērā diẏē ēkaṭi i'u'ā'i'ēsasi-ēra kāryakrama prāthamikabhābē śuru karā sambhaba. Tabē pūrṇāṅga i'u'ā'i'ēsasi paricālanāra jan'ya nimna likhita upakaraṇa darakāra -

ēkādhika kampi'uṭāra (ḍēskaṭapa ō lyāpaṭapa)
baṛa skrinasaha 1ṭi mālṭimiḍiẏā prajēkṭara
1ṭi lējāra prinṭāra
1ṭi kālāra prinṭāra
1ṭi maḍēma
1ṭi skyānāra mēśina
1ṭi lēminēṭiṁ mēśina
1ṭi phaṭōkapi mēśina
1ṭi ḍijiṭāla kyāmērā
1ṭi ōẏēbakyāma
1ṭi jēnārēṭara

sthānīẏa cāhidāra bhittitē kōna i'u'ā'i'ēsasitē uparakaraṇa ēra cēẏē kama bā bēśi thākatē pārē.

I'uniẏana tathya ō sēbākēndra sthāpita haẏēchē pipipipi (pābalika-prā'ibhēṭa-pipalasa pārṭanāraśīpa) maḍēlēra upara bhitti karē. Pratiṭi i'u'ā'i'ēsasitē du’jana karē sthānīẏa taruna udyōktā raẏēchē, yādēra madhyē ēkajana puruṣa ō ēkajana nārī. Ē udyōktārā'i i'u'ā'i'ēsasi paricālanā karē thākēna. Kichu kichu kēndrē ēkajana nārī ō ēkajana puruṣa udyōktāra pāśāpāśi ārō ēkajana karē nārī ō puruṣa ‘bikalpa udyōktā’ hisēbē kāja karachē.Udyōktā i'u'ā'i'ēsasi’ra bētanabhukta karmī nana, pratiṭi i'u'ā'i'ēsasi’ra āẏa-i udyōktāra āẏa. I'u'ā'i'ēsasi’tē udyōktā ēkajana biniẏōgakārī'ō baṭē.

Pārṭanāraśīpa bā anśīdāritba:

Sthānīẏa sarakāra bibhāgēra nētr̥tbē i'u'ā'i'ēsasisamūha paricālita hacchē. Mantripariṣada bibhāgēra nirdēśanāẏa ō sthānīẏa praśāsanēra byabasthāpanāẏa i'u'ā'i'ēsasi’ra tadārakisaha an'yān'ya kāryakrama paricālita haẏa. I'u'ā'i'ēsasi’ra praẏōjanīẏa ā'isiṭi upakarana ō udyōktādēra dakṣatā br̥d'dhira jan'ya praśikṣaṇēra artha āsē ēlajiḍi ō bānlādēśa kampi'uṭāra kā'unsila (bisisi) thēkē. Ēchāṛā'ō bisisi 1013ṭi bidyutabihīna i'uniẏanē sōlāra pyāṇēla sarabarāha karē dēśēra sakala i'uniẏana pariṣadakē bidyutēra ā'ōtāẏa niẏē ēsēchē. Ēra bā'irē ēkādhika byāṅka-bīmā, mōbā'ila kōmpānī, ēnaji'ō, śikṣā-gabēṣanā pratiṣṭhāna, hārḍa'ōẏyāra-saphaṭa'ōẏyāra samiti prabhr̥ti pratiṣṭhāna tādēra sēbā, natuna dakṣatā ō kārigarī sahāẏatā niẏē i'u'ā'i'ēsi’ra sāthē sampr̥kta hacchē.

I'u'ē'ēma'ēsa bā i'u'ā'i'ēsasi ēyākaṭibhiṭi myānējamēnṭa sisṭēma:

I'u'ā'i'ēsasi udyōktādēra āẏēra hisāba ēbaṁ sthānīẏa praśāsanēra phalō-āpē sahayōgitā karāra jan'ya i'u'ā'i'ēsasi kāryakrama byabasthāpanā bā ‘i'u'ē'ēma'ēsa’ (http://Www.E-service.Gov.Bd/uams/) nāmē ēkaṭi analā'ina saphaṭa'ōẏyāra tairi karā haẏēchē. I'u'ā'i'ēsasi udyōktārā tādēra pratidinakāra āẏēra tathya ēkhānē āpalōḍa karē thākēna.

Blaga (uiscbd.Ning.Com):

Udyōktādēra nijēdēra madhyē pārasparika mithaskriẏā, ānta:Samparka sthāpana ēbaṁ udyōktādēra sāthē sthānīẏa praśāsanēra karmakartādērasā thē druta yōgāyōgēra jan'ya tairi karā haẏēchē i'u'ā'i'ēsasi blaga (uiscbd.Ning.Com). Blagaṭi sārādēśē bistr̥ta 4,501 ṭi i'u'ā'i'ēsasi’ra 9,002 jana udyōktāra jan'ya ēmana'i ēkaṭi śaktiśālī analā'ina plāṭapharama, yēkhānē udyōktārā nijēdēra madhyē abhijñatā binimaẏa karāra, samasyā cihṇita ō tāra samādhāna khōm̐jāra, samabēta bhābē udyōga grahaṇēra, sthānīẏa praśāsanēra sāthē kām̐dhē kām̐dha miliẏē kāja karāra, ēmanaki praẏōjanē nītinirdhārakadēra sāthē ālōcanā karāra suyōga pācchē.

Union Information and Services Center

What is UISC and why?

Union information and service center is a state-of-the-art information technology center (telecentre) set up in the Union Council, which aims at ensuring information service to grassroots people. From this center, people of rural areas get life and livelihood information and necessary services in their home environment very easily.

On November 11, 2010, Honorable Prime Minister inaugurated all the Union Information and Service Centers (UISC) across the country through video conferences from the Prime Minister of his office and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the former Prime Minister of New Zealand Mr Helen Clark, Bhar Karaikumukhi union of Bhola district. About 40 lakh people are receiving information and services from these centers. Through the UISC, the public and private services are getting a very positive change in the life of the local people through easy, fast and low cost.

The UISC started its journey in front of the 'People at the Doorsteps' program. With the establishment of the UISC, it is possible to create a free flow of information in every state of the society and the state system, where people are not going to door to door for service, but they are reaching the service. Free flow of information is one of the prerequisites for empowering the public. The establishment of information and service centers in 4,501 union parishads of the country has opened the way for information and services at the earliest, including participation in the free flow of rural people.


A UISC has more than one computer and related materials to ensure better information services for the public, which has been phased out and is being done. The UISC material comes from entrepreneurial investment and from Union Council funds (Revenue Sector and LGSP Project). A computer with a minimum stabilizer, a black screen printer, a color printer, a modem for connecting online, a scanner, a UI camera can be started initially with a digital camera. But for the full UISC management, the following materials are needed -

    Multiple computers (desktop and laptop)
    1 multimedia projector with large screen
    1 laser printer
    1 color printer
    1 modem
    1 scanner machine
    1 laminating machine
    1 photocopier machine
    1 digital camera
    1 webcam
    1 generator

Upon raising a UISC on the basis of local demand, there may be more or less than that.

Union Information and Service Centers have been established based on PPPP (Public-Private-People's Partnership) model. There are two local youth entrepreneurs in each UISC, among them a man and a woman. UISC operates these entrepreneurs. In some centers, a woman and a male entrepreneur are working as a 'alternate entrepreneur' as well as another man and woman. The merchants are not UISC's salaried workers, each UISC's income-earners' income. The entrepreneur at the UISC is also an investor.

Partnership or Partnership:

UISCs are being managed under Local Government Division. Under the guidance of the Cabinet Division and the management of the local administration, other activities including the supervision of UISC are conducted. The training of UISC's required ICT tools and skills for the entrepreneurship comes from the LGD and Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC). BCC also provided solar panels in 1013 uninterrupted unions and brought all the Union Parishad under electricity. Apart from this, many other institutions like Bin-Insurance, Mobile Company, NGO, Education-Research Organization, Hardware-Software Association, are involved with UIC with their

UMS or UISC ACTIVITY Management System:

UISC program management or 'UMS' (http://www.e-service.gov.bd/uams/) has been created to help UISC entrepreneurs to calculate the income and local administration follow-up. UISC entrepreneurs upload their daily income information here.

Blog (uiscbd.ning.com):

UISC blog (uiscbd.ning.com) has been created to instantly interact with the entrepreneurs, interact with each other and interact with the local administration officials with the entrepreneurs. This blog is a powerful online platform for the 4,501 UISC's 9,002 entrepreneurs spread across the country, where the entrepreneurs exchange experiences, identify problems and find solutions, take initiative, work together with shoulder shoulders with local administration , Even getting the opportunity to discuss with policymake