Wellcome to National Portal
মেনু নির্বাচন করুন
Main Comtent Skiped

Price list of services

Birth registration online (50.00)
 Online Screen Application (50.00)
 Online Passport Application (100.00)
 Deposit of Passport (30.00)
 Pre-registration of Haj pilgrims (50.00)
 Rural electricity bill deposits (5.00)
 Online electricity meter application (50.00)
 Online visa application (50.00)
 Visa Checking (50.00)
 Computer Compose (20.00)
 Print (10.00)
 Scanning (10.00)
 Photocopy (2.00)
 Lamination (5.00)
 Mobile Banking (5.00)
 E-mail (20.00)
 Internet browsing (40.00)
 Data Entry (Government) (25.00)
 Data Entry (Private) (20.00)
 Computer Training (Bangladesh Technical Education Board Affiliated) (1000.00)
 Computer Training (1000.00)
 Application of citizen certificate (50.00)
 Application of warrant certificate (50.00)
 Application for Charter (50.00)
 Report Writing as per UP / Municipality / City Corporation's demand (50.00)
 Online registration of foreign workers (100.00)
 Multimedia projector rental (200.00)
 Online job application (20.00)
 Mobile servicing services (50.00)
 Computer servicing service (100.00)
 Sale of online products (0.00)
 Book Sale Online (0.00)
 Electronics Product Selling Service (0.00)
 Online Fashion Gift Items Sales Services (0.00)
 Always Sell Online Essential Products (0.00)
 Local product sales online (0.00)
 Buy old products online (0.00)
 Sales of old products online (0.00)
 Online Ed Management Services (0.00)
 Online CV Management Services (0.00)
 Online Promotional Service (0.00)
 E-ticketing service (bus) (20.00)
 E-ticketing service (launch) (20.00)
 E-ticketing (aircraft) (250.00)
 E-Ticketing (Train) (30.00)
 Product Shipping Services (Courier) (0.00)
 Product Delivery Services (Courier) (0.00)
 Utility Service Bills (0.00)
 Opening of agent banking customer's account (0.00)
 Cash Deposit and Lift (0.00)
 Different Debt Application (0.00)
 Open DPS Account (0.00)
 Application and Payment (0.00)
 Remittances delivered from abroad (0.00)
 Receiving Clearing Check (0.00)
 Receiving credit and debit card application (0.00)
 Easily send money to other banks (EFTN) (0.00)
 Application of Internet Banking Services (0.00)
 Fund Transfer (0.00)
 Holding Taxes (0.00)
 Online driving license renewal application (0.00)
 Insurance (Life Insurance Corporation) (0.00)
 Online bond sale application (0.00)
 Online Tender Dumping (EGP) (2000.00)
 Teacher's pension application online (0.00)
 Online Teacher Support Trust Fund (0.00)
 Different legal services (0.00)
 Telemedicine - Skype (DGHS) (0.00)
 Providing medical services through Upazila Health Complex (0.00)
 E-post service (0.00)
 Stamp Sales Service (0.00)
 Government Notices Sales (0.00)
 Logistic support for different organizations (0.00)
 Online tax identification number application (0.00)
 Create a database of MasterCard (0.00)
 Build credentials (0.00)
 Flexiload (0.00)
 Mobile ring tone download (0.00)
 Video Conferencing (0.00)
 Update of old voter information (0.00)
 Photography m (0.00)
 Video Recording (0.00)
 Video Editing (0.00)
 Providing official information from service portal (0.00)
 Information Services from National Database (0.00)
 Services through service camps (agriculture / education / health etc.) (0.00)
 Agricultural Information Service (0.00)
 Fishery Information Services (0.00)
 Animal Resources Information Service (0.00)
 Computer Hardware Sales (0.00)
 Solar System Sales (0.00)
 Phone Call (Mobile / Land Phone) (0.00)
 Mobile end sales (0.00)
 English Learning (0.00) under British Council
 Telemedicine (Ayesha Memorial) (0.00)
 SMS Based Maternal Health Advisory Service (DNET) (0.00)
 Application for admission to schools, colleges and universities (0.00)
 Different exam results (0.00)
 Certification Preparation (0.00)
 Outsourcing (0.00)
 Application of Payee (Department of Social Services) (0.00)
 Payment of Visa through Postal Cash Card (Social Services Directorate) m (0.00)
 Application for admission to various schools, colleges and universities (50.00)
 Form Sales (Forms Portal) (50.00)
 Receiving results of various examinations (50.00)